Below are the frequently asked questions and answers from our customers.
Please use it to solve your problems and questions.
What is a Generic Drug?
medicines are divided into two types: "original medicine" and "generic drug".
Generic drugs contain the same active ingredients as original drugs in the same doses, and in principle have the same effects, efficacy, and usage.
The difference between the two is that generic drugs are cheaper than original drugs because the costs required for research and development are kept low.
There are also differences in the additives contained in medicines and the size and shape of tablets.
If the active ingredients and their doses are the same and the price is lower, generic drugs should be better, but many physicians are reluctant to use generic drugs because they are concerned about efficacy, side effects, and quality.
Therefore, drugs prescribed in hospitals and pharmacies are oftenOriginal medicine.
Recently, however, generic drugs are gradually becoming more popular because of more information about them.
What are the Advantages of Parsonal Importing Medicines?
The two main advantages of personal importing medical supplie are "diversification of options" and "reduction cost burdens".
There are more types of medicines available overseas than in Japan, and even medicines that are difficult to obtain in Japan may be easily obtained through private importation.
This is the first benefit, "diversification of options".
In addition, because pharmaceuticals can be imported from overseas, it eliminates the need to visit a medical institution and reduces the cost of office visits, prescription prices, and other expenses.
Since the cost is only the cost of the pharmaceuticals, this results in the benefit of "reduced cost burden".
Is it Illegal to Act as a Personal Import Agent for Medicines?
Medicine personal import service itself is not illegal.
Personal importation of medicines is allowed in consideration of the need to continue drug treatment received abroad or for travelers from abroad to carry as regular medicine.
The fact that personal importation of pharmaceuticals is not illegal is clearly stated on the website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
In this way, personal import of medicines is not illegal, so you can use it with confidence.